Co-curricular activities

Regular activities in school

 Students are putting up paintings, drawings and write ups on the display board to commemorate any related event of the current month. Students pour in their creative aspects and bring in beauty and knowledge to their work.


The school is organizing cultural events to observe Rabindra Jayanti & Nazrul Jayanti, the school Foundation Day. The students participate with earnest interest and enthusiasm in events like song, dance, recitation, skit etc . Teachers encourage the students to use their talents in every possible way.

Competitive Examinations & Other Competitions

Apart from cultural events students test their acumen in mental abilities and skill based competitions. The participation in NSTSE (National Science Talent Search Examination) is increasing every year and we are proud to declare that some of our students are scoring high points to secure a commendable position State wise and Nation wise. The school also make sure that the students participate in various Inter-School competitions to prove their talent and skills like Debate competition, Quiz competition, Essay competition etc.

Inter –House competitions

There are four Houses and all the students of the school are equally divided into the four Houses. This is another area where the teachers are putting serious effort to resurface the hidden qualities of the students. The Houses are thus active groups and various competitions take place among these Houses. Inter-House school competitions are held quarterly. Competitions are held in four different categories based on hand skills, mind skills, speaking skills and physical skills. Various type of competitions are held under the aforesaid skills to make the children venture out of the text-book quarantine and get a chance to exhibit their talents in other areas.

The Houses Are :
1. Aurobindo House (Blue)
2. Sarojini House (Green)
3. Subhash House (Red)
4. Matangini House (Yellow)

Student activities

Cultural events are an intrinsic part of the school.Teachers and children take their turns to put up shows on the children’s Day and Teacher’s Day respectively.